Monday, August 13, 2018

Where to promote blog posts after publishing?

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For continuous traffic on your blog, quality content is not enough you need to promote your blog posts and make sure they will appear on every corner of the web where your potential readers are hanging.

Are you worried about how to share your content, the right path to the right places? Do not look anywhere else in today's post, I'll tell you where to publish your blog post after publishing them.

1. Facebook:

Facebook, as clear as the top of social sharing channels. It only sends 25% of all social referral traffic to the site. Most blogs believe that after publishing, it is enough to share a post on Facebook, but here are some strategies that you can do to replicate referral traffic from Facebook or even up to 3x.

A.1. Facebook group:

Create a separate blog group for your audience. Use this group to communicate with them. Providing suggestions and seeking help from them and connecting with other waysNow, every time you share a post in this group, you can see the traffic flow in your blog.
There are groups that are very dedicated members. Search using the phrase "word" on the Facebook search bar. Such a group for internet marketers is Pat Flynn’s.

A.2. Update status of post interested in your viewers:

On your profile, you can write a position declared on your forthcoming post and ask that you want to tag your friend when it starts posting.

This strategy alone is very much in your audition and creates a place where people wait for your posts.

This will affect traffic when it is published.

TIP: to measure the traffic sent by Facebook use a URL shortener.

B) Twitter:

Twitter is a great source of traffic that can be used to increase your latest blog post. Here are some tips to exclude most of this

Use related hashtags for your location
Set up a Twitter card for more changes. click here to learn more.
Stay active with the influential and your followers.

c) Pinterest:

Pinterest is a visual social bookmarking site that can be useful if you have good graphics. Increase your pages to drink with the correct hashtag. Pinterest Group Boards is an excellent way to execute the reference traffic for your publications. Use this link to find the best group meetings in your place.

d) LinkedIn:

LinkedIn clients are experts who realize what they need to see and read. Sharing your blog entries on those systems can give you extremely precise movement. Use link groups to share your publications with the most specific people.

e) Google plus:

One of the smaller social networking sites, one more for the Google Plus online market, is that more than 90% of users who use Google Plus are online marketers and bloggers. This is the second largest social networking site after Facebook, the recently released Google collections, which were told that

2.  Email Newsletter:

Your email newsletter is perhaps the most important place where your loyal readers live. If someone has logged into your newsletter, it means that you are really interested in what you blog and want to read more about it.

Sending your published posts to the blog increases the chance of changes and partnerships. Use automatic responders such as MailChimp or GetResponse to send transmissions to your email subscribers.

3. Quora:

Quora, the network of questions and answers, is a great tool to show your brand and authority. You can also use it to promote your blog posts. Quora has a significant influx of users (almost 1.5 million per month) who know what they are looking for. Answering questions posed by users in a valuable way and adding relevant links to your blog can get more exposure.

As Quora users are quite dedicated, many marketing specialists and bloggers also ask questions related to their upcoming publications to collect ideas. If you have a convincing answer to your question, you can also have chances of backlinks.

Here is how to use Quora:

Use the search bar to write questions related to your keyword.
Skip the threads with a lot of comments. (not mandatory but long threads have low CTR possibilities)
In the relevant threads, write a convincing answer and re-link your blog.
Include multimedia if necessary.
Each time you publish a blog post, make it a habit to answer questions related to your topic in Quora. Here is a more detailed guide to making the most of it.

4. Reddit:

Reddit is a place that can create and destroy a site. Do it in the sense that it can give you tons of traffic. It breaks in the sense that it can send you so much traffic that it will block your site. Reddit has more than 174 million unique visits per month and here is how to take advantage of this endless traffic resource.

Configure your profile, a professional aspect.
Try to stay active in the threads related to your industry.
Also, find some subreddits (Reddit has almost 8000 of them) that are really great. You can use meta-reddit to keep track of the best subreddits.
Try to study how these reddits work. Are you allowing promotional content? Or how is the tone of the users there?
Publish your blog post with an appropriate introduction.
Bonus: read my guide to do keyword research using Reddit.

5. Slideshare:

Slideshare is the visual content marketing platform that enjoys almost 60 million visitors per month. You can use this traffic volcano to heat your blog by posting your blog post as a slide or PowerPoint PPT. Here are some tips to make the most of SlideShare each time you post your blog post.

Use images that stand out.
Have less, but the clear text on each slide links the user to his slide.
Insert a link backward (to the post you are promoting) on the last slide of your presentation.

6. Youtube:

YouTube is like the galaxy video of the universe. Ironically, it is the second largest search engine after Google with more than 5 billion searches per month. This is enough for you to share your content on this video platform.

The secret here is that you do not have to be a video creator or a multimedia graduate to take visits to your latest publications using YouTube. All you need is to be creative and use good visuals to create a presentation using PowerPoint. You can also convert your existing SlideShare ppt into video using PowerPoint. This can be uploaded to YouTube with links to your blog post. In this way, you are using SlideShare and YouTube at one time.

Other alternatives to YouTube are a vine, Vimeo, and Dailymotion.

7. LinkedIn Publishing:

The only reason I ignored the publication of LinkedIn in the social networks section is that it is not about social networks but about a separate platform similar to that of blogs.

On the LinkedIn publishing platform, you can write a separate blog post related to your newly published publication and link it. You can also republish your recent LinkedIn post with minor changes. Here are some suggestions from Gregory Ciotti who has been quite successful in the platform.

8. Summary of links:

Link roundups occur when bloggers compile the best publications in their field and publish a weekly or bi-monthly publication that includes them. This is very useful since the editor does not have to make additional efforts to create a new publication. In the same way, the audience also benefits from staying in the main news and the best resources that week.

However, you can use this strategy to promote your recently published publication by sending an email to the editors of these raids. If you have content that is worth linking, it will surely include your publication. Link raids benefit you by providing backlinks to your recently published publications and also give you great exposure.

9. Scope:

The scope is probably the best method for influencers and other bloggers to share the content of your blog. Also, this can bring backlinks that are valuable. Every time you write a post, try to include quotes from famous bloggers or link to relevant content from authority bloggers.

After the publication of the publication, give them a notice that you mentioned them in your publication. This process is also called ego bait. Most (if not all) will respond to your message and share your content through your social channels or a link to your blog posts as well.

10. Social bookmarking sites:

Social bookmarking sites have never left the scene. These are useful to get more eyes on your recent publications. Some of the most popular social bookmarking sites are:
